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Representatives from nearly 200 countries have gathered in Durban, South Africa for a U.N. conference on climate change. The 12-day meeting began Monday and will focus on efforts to extend the Kyoto Protocol, which is set to expire next year. The Kyoto pact committed industrialized nations to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by a set amount by 2012, but efforts to negotiate its successor have been on hold since the failure of the climate conference in Copenhagen two years ago. Few believe this conference will result in a new agreement, but delegates said Monday they are hopeful.


Tanzania's Richard Muyungi said he thinks the countries can overcome the challenges of the debate. Meanwhile, Bolivia's Diego Balanza said delegates have to move past the previous climate conference failures. He said delegates must push to secure large commitments, which were not achieved by prior ious efforts have focused on how to balance the responsibilities of developed nations with those of emerging and still-developing countries.來自將近200個國家的代表齊聚南非德班,參加有關氣候變化的聯合國會議。這次爲期12天的會議星期一開始,會議將討論延長明年到期的《京都議定書》的有關工作。《京都議定書》責成工業化國家必須在2012年前把溫室氣體排放降低到一定水平。但兩年前在哥本哈根舉行的氣候變化會議以失敗告終之後,國際社會用新的協定取代《京都議定書》的談判就一直陷入停滯。很少有人相信這次會議能夠達成新的協議,但是代表們星期一說他們抱有希望。




