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ExxonMobil is being investigated by the New York state attorney-general over whether it misled investors and the public about climate change risks and how it could affect the company.

埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil)正在接受紐約州總檢察長的調查,調查其是否在氣候變化風險及其可能對公司產生何種影響的問題上誤導了投資者和公衆。

Attorney-general Eric Schneiderman sent a subpoena to the company on Wednesday requesting emails, financial records and other documents, said people familiar with the case.

知情人士表示,週三總檢察長埃裏克施奈德曼(Eric Schneiderman)向埃克森美孚發出了傳票,要求對方提供電子郵件、財務記錄和其他文件。

The broad probe captures company activities starting from the 1970s until this year, and includes occasions when ExxonMobil funded groups that criticised research in support of climate change.


Mr Schneiderman’s office is inquiring into whether ExxonMobil made adequate disclosures to investors about the risks related to the push to limit the use of fossil fuels. The agency is also examining the company’s climate change impact disclosures to the US Securities and Exchange Commission.


The SEC declined to comment on whether it was investigating ExxonMobil over disclosures to investors.


Mr Schneiderman’s office is also examining ExxonMobil for consumer fraud and has asked the company for materials related to marketing, advertising and communications regarding climate change, people familiar with the case said.


ExxonMobil confirmed it had received a subpoena and was assessing its response. The company also said it has included information about the business risk of climate change for many years in its securities filings, Corporate Citizenship Report, and in other reports to shareholders.


Ken Cohen, vice-president of public and government affairs, told a media conference call that the company began making disclosures about climate risks in 2007. At that time, it also began calculating the affect of a price on carbon to include in its cost planning for major projects, he said.

在一次媒體電話會議上,埃克森美孚負責公共與政府事務的副總裁肯科恩(Ken Cohen)表示,該公司從2007年就開始披露氣候風險。他說,該公司那時也開始計算碳價的影響,以便在對重大項目的成本規劃中加以考慮。


