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What are you looking to gain from your next job?



Answer Tips


In this question, they want to know what Motivates you. Be careful not to let the panel think the only reason you want the job is because it is more pay or better benefits – if this is your reason you will probably not get the job!


The answer will depend on where you are in your career. If you are new, then you want to gain more experience and learn a wide variety of things. If you have a lot of previous experience, you might want to find something challenging and more opportunities for growth.


List of reasons


• General working conditions,

• 整體工作環境,

• More openness between “boss” and employees,

• 老闆和員工之間更加開放,

• More money? Bigger organization?

• 更多的工資?更大的企業?

• Are you looking to move up a high level?

• 你想要得到一個更高的職位嗎?

• Develop certain skills,

• 增強自己某些技能,

• Are you looking for a certain atmosphere or organizational philosophy?

• 你想要某種特定的企業氛圍或企業文化?

• How important is location?

• 公司所在地有多重要?

• Exciting work vs. routine work.

• 充滿激情工作還是常規作業?

• Salary, benefits, traveling, turnover rates (for salesperson).

• (針對銷售人員)工資、待遇、出差、營業額。

• Work hours (flexible vs fixed hours).

• 工作時間(靈活VS固定)。

Answer samples:


1. I want to gain experience in many areas of accounting. I want a position where things are not routine and where many of my accounting skills are utilized.

1. 我期望在會計相關領域獲得經驗。我希望這個職位擁有挑戰,並可以運用我在會計方面的技能。

2. In my next job, I want more opportunities to write automation. In my previous position, we didn’t have these opportunities because we outsourced this work to other groups.

2. 在我下一份工作中,我希望可以有更多的機會編寫程序。我在之前的工作中並沒有這樣的機會,因爲企業把這樣的工作都外包給了其他公司。


