
菲律賓扣押一艘朝鮮貨船 Philippines impounds North Korean ship

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The Philippines said on Monday it had impounded a North Korean ship, becoming the first country to enforce tough new sanctions imposed on the state last week.

菲律賓扣押一艘朝鮮貨船 Philippines impounds North Korean ship


Despite flying a Sierra Leone flag, the Jin Teng was seized on Monday on suspicions the vessel is operated by a North Korean shipping group that has been blacklisted by the UN and faces an asset freeze.

儘管懸掛着塞拉利昂國旗,但“Jin Teng”號貨船仍遭到扣押,因爲據懷疑該船的運營方是一家進入聯合國黑名單、並遭到資產凍結的朝鮮海運集團。

“This is in compliance with the UN Security Council resolution that calls for sanctions,” said Charles Jose, a spokesperson for the Philippine foreign ministry. “The most important thing is to impound the vessel so it cannot engage in economic activity that could benefit North Korea.”

“這符合呼籲對朝制裁的聯合國安理會決議,”菲律賓外交部發言人查爾斯•何塞(Charles Jose)說。“最重要的是扣押該船,所以它就不能從事有益於朝鮮的經濟活動了。”

The UN Security Council last week voted unanimously to introduce new sanctions on North Korea, including compulsory inspections of cargo entering and leaving the country, in response to Pyongyang’s fourth nuclear test and a long-range rocket launch earlier this year.


Manila’s actions add to tensions in the region. Last week North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ordered the country’s nuclear weapons to be placed on standby in protest against the UN sanctions.


South Korea plans to announce its own sanctions against North Korea on Tuesday to follow up the UN Security Council resolution. Under those sanctions, vessels that have previously called at a North Korean port will be banned from entering South Korean ports, according to Seoul’s state-run Yonhap News, dealing a blow to North Korea’s external trade.


Apart from the UN resolution, Seoul will also impose financial sanctions on dozens of individuals and institutions linked to North Korea’s development of weapons of mass destruction. A three-way logistics project that transports Russian coal to South Korea through a North Korean port is also likely to be scrapped, Yonhap said.


The impounded vessel, which is moored north-west of Manila in Subic Bay, is believed by the Philippines to be operated by Ocean Maritime Management.

被扣押的船隻目前停泊在馬尼拉西北的蘇比克灣(Subic Bay)。菲律賓方面認爲,該船的運營方爲Ocean Maritime Management(OMM)。

OMM has faced an asset freeze since 2014, when it was blacklisted by the UN for operating the Chong Chon Gang, a ship detained the previous year by Panama when it was en route to Cuba carrying arms including two jet fighters concealed under thousands of bags of sugar.

自2014年以來,OMM遭到了資產凍結。2014年,該公司因運營“清川江號”(Chong Chon Gang)而被列入黑名單。此前一年,該船把兩架噴氣式戰鬥機藏在數千袋白糖下面,在前往古巴的途中被巴拿馬扣留。

Ocean Maritime Management has continued to operate through multiple front companies and representative offices to evade sanctions, according to the US government.


The Philippines coast guard has conducted two investigations of the Jin Teng, which was carrying palm kernels from Indonesia. Mr Jose added that nothing “that could be used for North Korea’s nuclear programme” had been found on board.

菲律賓海岸警衛隊已對“Jin Teng”號進行了兩次調查。該船裝載着來自印尼的棕櫚仁。菲律賓外交部發言人何塞補充稱,船上沒有發現“任何可能用於朝鮮核項目的物資”。

The crew, which includes 24 North Koreans, will be repatriated once investigations are complete.



