
at last的同義詞是什麼

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at last釋義:終於; 最後。以下是本站小編爲大家整理的at last的同義詞和例句,以供參考。

at last的同義詞是什麼

  at last的同義詞:

in the end , at the end of

  at last的同義詞例句:

In the end, things will mend.


If you persevere with work, you'll succeed in the end.


Justice triumphs in the end.


The salesman was so successful that in the end he hived from the firm into his own business.


The characters in the film disliked each other at first but it all came right in the end.


I am very much pleased that we have come to term in the end.


Peter and Tom finally made up in the end.


After many years of hard work, he won the award in the end.


  at last的英語例句:

The big moment has come at last!


Because of his irresolute character, we were defeated at last.


The ship went down and at last went out of sight.


He showed his sinister motive at last.


Your efforts will not come to no avail, if you can achieve something at last.


After much delay, he finished his paper at last.


The two sides come to reconciliation at last.


Only in 1687 did he at last publish his new theory.


They rolled up at last. 他們終於坐着車來了。

At last she was freed from all encumberances. 她終於從一切牽累中解脫出來。

He ran his eyes down the page and found his name at last. 他的眼睛順着這一頁往下看,終於找到了他的名字。

The resolution was repassed at last. 最後決議還是重新通過了。

At last the wild wind calmed down. 狂風終於停了下來。

But we have tamed it at last. 但我們終於把它馴服了。

At last, he said, if not us, then who? 最後他說,如果不是我們,是誰?

But at last the path emerged from the trees and stretched away in the sun. 但是,路終於從樹林中顯露出來,筆直向前,直至消失在陽光中。

A villager was said to have long struggled to hold her from them, but at last theyprevailed, and he found nothing in his hands but a broomstick. 一個村民據說一直在努力抗爭使她不被她們帶走,但是在最後她們勝利了,而他的手裏只剩下了一截掃帚柄。

The two of us argued a year - who got the house, the furniture, the car? But ourlawyers finally cut a deal which we both thought was fair. So at last everything issettled. 我們兩在房子給誰,傢俱分給誰,誰該得到汽車這些問題上爭論了一年。但是,我們的律師最後定了一個方案我們兩都認爲是公平的,所以一切終於都解決了。

“At last, we agree on something, ” he said, before he walked through the door. “我們終於有看法一致的地方了。”他走出門之前說道。

At last, I have made some progress. 最後,我取得了一些進步。

At last it dawned on me that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.最後,我終於明白了,沒有通往幸福的路,幸福本身就是這條路。

Then at last he had fallen to the earth, and could remember no more, nor howhe came to be where she had found him. 最後他落到地上來了,可是其餘的事情他現在就記不起來了。他完全不知道自己怎樣來到了這塊地方的。

At last the spotlight is just on him. 這一次,他終於可以獨享閃光燈了。

Now, at last, she stands. 如今,最後,她站起來。

At last I owned my defeat to myself, and put the thing out of mind. 最後我自認自己的確是失敗了,不久就把這事兒拋到了腦後。

The man stopped and smiled. “At last, we agree on something,” he said, beforehe walked through the door. 這個男人快要走出大門了,他停了下來,微笑着說“最後我們在某個問題上達成了共識”

I asked him again, and at last he came out with the truth. 我叮了他一句,他才說了真話。

Family and friends would like privacy at last, " she said. 她的家人和朋友最終是會要隱私的,”她說。



