
像美國人一樣説英語第2期:Bob Returns Home with Bad News

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Susan: what’s the matter, dear?
Bob: Susan, I got canned today at work.
Susan: But Bob, you were Peter’s right-hand man!
Bob: Yes, and he stabbed me in the back.
Susan: Keep your chin up. Maybe he’ll change his mind and take you back.
Bob: when pigs fly! Once he makes up his mind, he never changes it. Besides, I told him off.
Susan: Look on the bright side: you won’t have to set eyes on Peter ever again!
Bob: Thank goodness for that!
Susan: hang in there. I’m sure you won’t be out of work for long.
Bob: In the meantime, we’ll have to live from hand to Mouth.
Susan: Don’t get too stressed out, Bob. We’ll make ends meet.
Bob: I can always get a job MacDonald’s as a last resort.
Susan: I don’t think they are hiring right now.
Bob: If worse comes to worst, we can sell our home and move into a tent.
Susan: Let’s think big! Maybe you can start your own business.
Bob: Easier said than done!

Easier said than done---more difficult than you think 説起來容易做起來難

像美國人一樣説英語第2期:Bob Returns Home with Bad News

You want to clime Mount Everest? Easier said than done!

(to) get canned---to lose one’s job; to get fired;

After Chris got canned, it took him a year to find a new job!

(to) hang in there---to persevere; to not give up ](面對逆境)堅持不懈,堅持不屈不撓,堅持下去,拿出勇氣,不泄氣,不膽怯

Hang in there, Don! Your invention will soon be a success.

If worse comes to worst---in the worst case; if absolutely necessary; 到了萬不得已的時候, 實在不行的話;

(to) keep one’s chin up---to stay positive 氣餒,不灰心;堅決;勇敢

Last resort---if there are no other alternatives left; the last solution for getting out of a difficulty最後一着,最後一手;最後的解決措施

(to) live from hand to mouth---to barely have enough money to survive 僅能餬口,半飢半飽;只能顧眼前

(to) look on the bright side---to be optimistic; to think about the positive part or aspect of a situation 多從好的方面想

(to) make ends meet---to manage one’s money so as to have enough to live on; 收支相抵,量入為出;靠微薄收入生活,勉強維持生計

Out of work---unemployed; not working 失業,無工作

Right-hand man---the most helpful assistant or employee; 得力助手

(to) set eyes on---to look at; to see for the first time 瞧見,看,看見,看到

(to) stab someone in the back---to betray someone 暗箭傷害某人,背後中傷某人,加害某人;對某人背信棄義;背後誹謗某人

(to) be stressed out---under severe strain; very anxious 飽受壓力

(to) tell off---to scold 責備,斥責,責罵,數説(某人的過錯):

(to) think big---to set high goals 好高騖遠,野心勃勃

When pigs fly!---never 除非豬會飛;決不可能;決不



