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Indian naval head warns of Chinese military challenge


India's naval chief has said that his country cannot hope to rival (競爭對手)China when it comes to military strength, while warning that China will become a "primary challenge(主要對手)" for India in the future.

Admiral (上將)Sureesh Mehta, who is also chairman of India's Chiefs of Staff Committee, said at a 10 August function organised by the National Maritime Foundation in New Delhi(新德里國家海事基金會): "In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China, force for force."

Adm Mehta's comments came shortly after the 13th round of negotiations aimed at settling the disputed India-China border (中印邊境爭端)concluded in New Delhi on 8 August, with little progress having been made. The navy chief said there was a serious "trust deficit" between Beijing and New Delhi on the issue.

"Coping with China will be one of our primary challenges in the years ahead," Adm Mehta declared, cautioning that Beijing's territorial claims would become more assertive as its military capabilities continue to develop.

He added that while India could not catch up with China militarily, it should aim to level the playing field as much as possible.


Speaking from politics,economics and culture,China and India are undoubtedly the best spokesmen for BRIC(金磚四國,指巴西、俄羅斯、印度和中國四國)。由於雙方至今依然互相競爭拉攏外資,“龍象之爭”momently became an adjective。兩國在許多商品領域有着很大的市場開發和銷售潛能,貿易互補性較強。與其説中印“龍象之爭”,還不如期待“龍象合璧”放大亞洲經濟效益。

今年6月,金磚四國領導人在俄羅斯葉卡捷琳堡舉行了首次正式峯會。This meeting is the result of the long request from the BRIC,此次會晤主要是金磚四國重申長久以來的要求,即讓巴西、俄羅斯、印度和中國代表全球新興市場能夠在國際貨幣基金組織及世界銀行中獲得更大的話語權。

作為國際新興市場是代表着發展中國家的利益,the leaders of the BRIC want to speak and represent more. 明顯的是美元波動性和貶值是此次會議的主題。四個國家希望藉此團結起來,建立一個以經濟和金融一體化的新興市場體。


Nowadays, the per capital purchasing power of China is twice as much as that of India.。儘管近年來印度經濟增長強勁,但中國國內生產總值增長要略快而人口增長要慢,這意味着兩國收入差距將會擴大而不是縮小。

It's commonly regarded that India is stronger than China in English, law ang system. 這些因素將很快使印度趕上甚至超過中國。但在我看來,印度很難縮小與中國的收入差距,更不用説趕上了。

從中印兩國現今已具備的綜合國力來説,雙方的市場規模、人力資本和影響力將可以帶動亞洲經濟增長。So we'd better expect a "龍象合璧" rather than a "龍象之爭"。同時,我們也可以通過“龍象合璧”來放大亞洲經濟效益。

Anyway, 在現時動盪的年代,中印應該團結一致,邁向亞洲經濟政治一體化,再次共創亞洲經濟起飛的奇蹟。



