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Express (表達)這個詞很有意思:它的詞根是 press,意思是“在某物之上加力”,可引申爲“竭力爭取”“極力勸說”“硬塞”“熨燙(衣物)”等義;而它的前綴ex表示“出來,離開”。綜合起來,express 這個詞便是“表達”(看來表達是需要用力“壓”出來的)。在新東方學校教了十年英語,筆者對這個詞充滿了敬畏。不管是上口語課還是上寫作課,都是教學生把內心的東西表達出來。想用英語表達自己,你需做到兩點:第一是有話可說,有料可寫;第二是說得合適,寫得漂亮。要做到這兩點並不是一個簡單的事兒,要仔細琢磨,甚至是絞盡腦汁。在你還不能做到下筆生花的階段,請考慮“think twice”原則,即先粗略傳意,後美化表達。下面介紹五條美化英語句子表達的建議。


建議一:表達多樣 (Variety)




例:In the Chinatown section of San Francisco, rice and snow peas are a part of many holiday meals. In New Mexico, one might encounter chili peppers on the Fourth of July. In Hawaii, one popular way to celebrate a holiday is with a feast.

【點評】第一個“吃”的表達爲:“sth. is a part of meals.”雖然簡單,但很精彩、靈活。第二個“吃”的表達爲:“one encounters sth. to eat.”用“某人遭遇食物”來表達“吃”,很好玩吧!最後一個“吃”的表達爲:“One way to do sth. is with a feast.”做某事的一個方式是來一頓大餐,其意昭然若揭。


《華爾街日報》( The Wall Street Journal) 2012 年11月8日報道:“咖啡公司、咖啡館以及街邊熟食店經常漲價,很少降價。今年早些時候,星巴克在美國東北和西南大部分地區的許多飲料提價了大約1%。出售當肯甜甜圈和佛吉斯咖啡的JM司馬克公司在2011年提價23%。”

三個“漲價”,raise prices用它三回?且慢!“排比” 雖然好,但讓讀者懷疑你“詞彙貧乏”就麻煩大了。多樣化表達走起!

例:Coffee companies, cafes, and corner delis often raise prices; they rarely cut them. Earlier this year, Starbucks increased the prices of many drinks by around 1% in much of the Northeast and Sunbelt (特指美國南部和西南部地區). J.M. Smucker Co., which sells packaged Dunkin’ Donuts and Folgers coffee had hiked them by 23% in 2011.



如果詞語與句型的變化搭配使用,英語句子將會煥發瑰麗的色彩。例如,顏色經常被用來描述人的情緒或狀態,猜一猜“紅”“粉”“藍”“綠”分別代表什麼?稍作思考,就能得出這個句子:“Red means angry; pink means healthy; blue means sad; green means jealous.”雖然說這個句子表意清晰,但means重複的次數過多,顯得單調。如果我們think twice,可將其美化,得出下面這個例句。

例:“Red with rage” describes anger; “in the pink” means to be in good health; “feeling blue” is a sad way to feel; “Green with envy” indicates a jealous attitude.

【點評】不難發現,英語中有一些習語剛好表達了顏色跟人的關係。比如,red with rage (氣得臉色發紅)描述了憤怒的狀態;in the pink (面色紅潤)描述了健康的樣子;feeling blue (憂鬱如藍調)描述了悲傷的感覺;green with envy (嫉妒得臉色發青)描述了妒忌的態度。“代表”的表達也實現了多樣化:describe、mean to be、indicate是在努力“換詞”,而feeling blue is a sad way to feel是通過換句型表達同樣的意思。





例:Our vicar is always raising Money for one cause or another, but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired.

【點評】此句出自《新概念英語》第三冊第2課“Thirteen equals one”。此句屬於藉助副詞加強語氣:在進行時be doing中加入頻度副詞了always,用於表示一種厭煩不滿的情緒。

如果我們要用英語表達“秦始皇在中國歷史上最具爭議”,掌握了初級語法規則的人會不假思索地想到:“The First Emperor of Qin is the most controversial figure in Chinese history.”這個表達雖然準確,但還是建議大家think twice。《新概念英語》第三冊第23課中有這樣一句:“No creature has received more praise and abuse than the common garden snail.”我們可以模仿這個句子來表達上面那句話。

例:No other figure in Chinese history receives more praise and abuse than the First Emperor of Qin. / No other figure in Chinese history is more controversial than the First Emperor of Qin.

【點評】短語“no … more … than …”乃強化語氣之利器!其精髓在於用比較級的形式表達出最高級的含義。此類精緻的搭配,請長期留意,多加積累!


例:Scientists say malaria-carrying mosquitoes cannot travel far on their own. But the insects can, and do, catch rides in the belongings of people who travel.

【點評】這個句子藉助助詞do,用於加強catch rides的語氣,這裏的do可以翻譯爲“確實”。


具有否定意義的副詞及短語放在句首時,句子一般採用倒裝。請大家試着表達:“他們不僅勤奮,而且富有創造精神和發明精神。”我們可以表達爲:“They are not only industrious but they are creative and inventive as well.”這裏的“not only … but … as well”用得不錯,但請think twice,這裏還有進步的空間。我們可將其美化爲:

例:Not only are they industrious, but they are creative and inventive as well.

【點評】美化後的句子採用了倒裝,加強了句子的語氣。可以置於句首且具有否定意義的常見詞彙包括never、seldom、scarcely、little、few、not、hardly,以及“not only … but (also)”“no sooner … than”“hardly … when scarcely … when”等。


雙重否定句可以加強肯定的語氣。比如,我們要表達:“當你初遇某人時,對他/她的外表做出反應是很正常的。”我們可以用肯定句:“When you first meet someone, it is usual to react to his or her appearance.”我們也可以用雙重否定來加強語氣。

例:When you first meet someone, it is not unusual to react to his or her appearance.

【點評】這個句子用not unusual替換了usual,語氣強烈了很多。在構成雙重否定結構時,常用到的否定詞彙包括動詞的否定形式(cannot / did not / have not)、否定代詞(nothing / nobody)、否定副詞(never / hardly)與否定連詞(neither … nor …)。

建議三:言辭簡潔 (Conciseness)



Francis Bacon (弗朗西斯•培根)在“Of Studies”(《論讀書》)中提到:“有些書可以淺嘗輒止;有些書可以狼吞虎嚥;而有些書則需要細嚼慢嚥,好好消化。”完整的表達爲:“Some books are to be tasted, others are to be swallowed, and some few are to be chewed and digested.”爲保持言辭簡潔,我們可以考慮將其精簡,美化爲下面這個句子。

例:Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.



有時,爲保持言辭簡潔,我們可以把從句變成短語。以下三個例子分別是狀語從句簡化爲現在分詞短語、賓語從句簡化爲“特殊疑問詞(what, when, where, how等詞)+ to do”結構、定語從句簡化爲過去分詞短語。

據New York Times(《紐約時報》)2013年4月 21日報道:“福特汽車公司繼去年在重慶開設一家組裝廠後,打算再在重慶建一家組裝廠、發動機廠和變速器廠。”下面是對這句話的兩種表達。

例:a. After Ford has opened one assembly plant in Chongqing last year, Ford is in the process of building another assembly plant, an engine factory and a transmission factory in Chongqing. (複雜版)

b. Having opened one assembly plant in Chongqing last year, Ford is in the process of building another assembly plant, an engine factory and a transmission factory in Chongqing.

【點評】b句用分詞短語“Having opened one assembly plant …”來替換a句的時間狀語從句“After Ford has opened one assembly plant …”,句子更加簡潔。

《新概念英語》第二冊第50課“Taken for a ride”有個句子:一個公交售票員回答乘客的詢問說:“我將告訴你在哪下車。”這句話該如何表達?下面是對這句話的兩個表達。

例:a. “I’ll tell you where you should get off,” answered the conductor. (複雜版)

b. “I’ll tell you where to get off,” answered the conductor. (簡化版)

【點評】這裏的b句用where to do sth.代替a句的賓語從句,句子更加簡潔。需要注意的是,將賓語從句簡化爲“特殊疑問詞+ to do”的前提條件是主句謂語爲tell、teach、know、show、remember、wonder、explain、decide這類動詞。

《新概念英語》第二冊第29課“Taxi!”有個句子:“Ben Fawcett 機長有一次把飛機停在了一個廢棄的停車場。”下面是對這個句子的兩種表達。

例:a. On the other occasion, he landed in the car park that was deserted. (複雜版)

b. On the other occasion, he landed in the deserted car park. (簡化版)

【點評】b句用過去分詞deserted替換a句中的定語從句that was deserted,使得表達更加簡潔。

方法3: 短語變成詞語


例:a. The student at the end of the line is responsible to turn off the lights. (複雜版)

b. The last student is responsible to turn off the lights. (簡化版)

【點評】at the end of the line即爲last之意。我們須舍繁冗求簡潔。





例:The vitamin, which is crucial for bone health, muscle strength and immune system function, is produced naturally in our skin when exposed to the sun.



《新概念英語》第三冊第42課“Modern Caveman”用下面這個英語句子表達了“也許是尋求獨處的慾望或尋求意外發現的誘惑吸引着人們來到地下深處”的意思。

例:Perhaps it is the desire for solitude or the chance of making an unexpected discovery that lures people down to the depths of the earth.

【點評】本句採用強調句型“It is / was … that …”這個句型,用於強調人們進行洞穴探險的動機。



例1:a. I saw the BMW advertisement “The art of life, exclusively for you.” (主語是人)

b. The BMW advertisement “The art of life, exclusively for you” captured my eyes. (主語是物)

例2:People who have a good memory and a desire for knowledge typically have a bulge in the centre of the forehead. (主語是人)

A bulge in the center of the forehead is typical of people who have a good memory and a desire for knowledge. (主語是物)

【點評】例1兩個句子是對“我看到BMW (寶馬)的廣告詞‘生活藝術,唯你獨享’”的英語表達,例2兩個句子是對“記性好、愛學習的人的典型特徵是額頭中間有個突起”的英語表達。人們在發現新事物、新玩意兒時,會被深深吸引,甚至渾然忘我。無論是例1一看到了寶馬的廣告還是例2看到長相奇特的人,都不必強調人的存在,客觀事物做主語剛好符合這一人之正常反應。


“告知”不需要感情色彩,通知到了就算完成任務,即“‘telling’ communicates facts.” ; 而“表達”卻需要入情入理,惟妙惟肖,使讀者心領神會,即“‘showing’ invites understanding.”表達中,太過空泛(general)無法令人滿意,細緻入微(specific)才能一箭中的。介紹三個讓表達細節生動的方法:描述、解釋與數據。以下幾組句子請認真對比,孰優孰劣,一目瞭然。



例:a. Brad Pitt is a good, handsome and kind person. (空泛)

b. Brad Pitt is a good, Apollo-like person who always shows consideration for others. (細緻入微)

【點評】阿波羅是諸神中最帥的一個,b句用Apollo-like表達“帥”無疑是個亮點,讓大家有所想象。“善良”用 kind表示過於空泛,用who always shows consideration for others 就非常具體,讓讀者對人物品質的把握更有依託,從而使得描述生動。



例:a. Mr. Robinson reached over and grabbed the boy’s arm. (空泛)

b. Mr. Robinson lurched over and grabbed the boy’s thin forearm with her leathery hand. (細緻入微)

【點評】很明顯,a句只做到了“告知”讀者發生了什麼,而b句不僅告知讀者發生了什麼,更讓讀者“看到了”一位老人具體的動作是如何進行的:步履蹣跚走過去(lurch over),用蒼老粗糙的手(leathery hand)抓住瘦弱的(thin)小男孩的前臂(forearm)。



例:a. There are many breast cancer cases each year in U.S. (空泛)

b. There are more than 200,000 new breast cancer cases each year in U.S., making it the second-leading cancer in women behind only lung cancer. (細緻入微)

【點評】 a句的many沒有明確的數量概念,表意不到位。而b句的200,000和second- leading兩個數字使得表意極爲明確。



