
影后娜塔麗舞戲造假 僱少女全裸替身

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Her dance double for Black Swan has claimed that she did hardly any of the full body shots seen in the film. And now it is claimed that Natalie Portman used yet another body double for her latest film Your Highness. In fact, the actress is said to have avoided diving into an icy lake in Belfast and a local Irish girl was paid just ?250 to take the plunge instead. Bum deal: Natalie Portman was seen at the edge of the lake in a thong bikini before a Irish student dived into the water in her place

影后娜塔麗舞戲造假 僱少女全裸替身

在2011年,憑藉奧斯卡電影《黑天鵝》一舉奪得奧斯卡最佳女主角的“準媽媽”娜塔莉·博德曼在獲獎後的不僅本人紅透半邊天,她在戲裏的替身也因娜塔莉的光輝紅了起來。一名愛爾蘭女學生聲稱代替娜塔莉·博德曼在她新接的電影《王子殿下》中跳入在貝爾法斯特冰冷的湖水中,以250英鎊的價格微薄身價“背部全裸”爲黑天鵝公主擔任替身。也許,在這個替身身價越來越低迷的時候,童星替身低迷的時代,我們必須意識到,其實,就連代替奧斯卡女主角演戲的價格其實也不會很高。據悉,由於《黑天鵝》的出格表演,娜塔莉波特曼差點與保守的父親鬧翻,不過,娜塔莉波特曼不以爲然,接着出演了被稱爲“中世紀的大麻喜劇”的《王子殿下》(Your Highness),在導演要求其跳入冰冷河水中時,娜塔莉害怕了,記者稱娜塔莉是由於“不夠勇敢”所致,這纔有了替身的新聞。

The Irish student told The Sun: ‘I’m a film studies student so I jumped at the chance to be on set.’ Portman has been accused of performing very little of the body shots seen in Black Swan, the film that earned her an Oscar gong. Taking the plunge: Caroline Davis is said to have stepped in for Natalie Portman during the filming of Your Highness Sarah Lane, a soloist with the American Ballet Theatre who worked as Natalie's dance double on the Oscar-winning film, continues to claim the 29-year-old actress did hardly any of the full body shots seen in the movie. Talking to ABC's Elizabeth Vargas, Lane says that the film's producers are lying about the amount of dancing Portman did in her scenes and need to come clean。

來自愛爾蘭的女學生Caroline Davis在接受採訪的時候說到:“我們一名電影專業的學生,爲奧斯卡影后娜塔莉·博德曼跳入冰冷的河水算是我第一次從影的機會。我很珍惜。”此外,關於娜塔莉·博德曼替身的新聞不僅僅限於新電影《王子殿下》,關於電影《黑天鵝》娜塔莉還被曝光使用了三分之二的舞蹈替身,對於在“美國芭蕾劇院”效力的舞蹈替身 Sarah Lane聲稱她在《黑天鵝》(Black Swa)中的舞蹈戲份只有很少一部分是由娜塔莉本人完成,影后娜塔莉·波特曼則安心不願多做解釋。最近娜塔莉在接受E! Online採訪時說:“我知道事情的經過,我們一起拍片時的經歷非常愉快,我不想讓它蒙上卑劣的污穢。片中每個人的工作和我自己的經歷,我真的很感驕傲。我要永遠保持這份驕傲,所以不管別人怎麼閒言閒語、卑鄙下流,都無關緊要。”



