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01“怪物癖” 系列


美國西雅圖口香糖牆(The Seattle Gum Wall, USA)




事實上,由Jennifer Aniston主演的電影《Love Happens》就曾在這裏取景。

口香糖牆?吻石狂魔?人湯泡澡?國外奇葩景點大盤點! 第2張

儘管看起來色彩斑斕,但是腐爛的口香糖散發的味道想必會一言難盡。即使這樣,據《TheNews Tribune》報道它仍是這座城市最受歡迎的旅遊景點之一,無數的遊客都會在此自拍,再從嘴裏爲這面牆貢獻一塊自己的口香糖。

Sure, it’s a colourful display, but the stench of decaying and aged chewing gum can be a bit offensive. Despite this, however, it is now one of the city's top tourist draws, according to The News Tribune, attracting many selfie-shooting visitors each keen to leave a gum of their own.

口香糖牆?吻石狂魔?人湯泡澡?國外奇葩景點大盤點! 第3張


密蘇里州萊拉頭髮博物館(Leila’s Hair Museum, Missouri)

口香糖牆?吻石狂魔?人湯泡澡?國外奇葩景點大盤點! 第4張



Though turning hair into wreaths was something of a Victorian obsession, hair art actually dates back to at least the 1400s. In an age before photography, collecting hair was a way of capturingthe essence of a person at a point in time, and keeping the memory of adeceased loved one near.

口香糖牆?吻石狂魔?人湯泡澡?國外奇葩景點大盤點! 第5張



土耳其阿瓦諾斯頭髮博物館(Avanos Hair Museum, Turkey)

口香糖牆?吻石狂魔?人湯泡澡?國外奇葩景點大盤點! 第6張

另外一個關於頭髮的博物館位於卡帕多細亞地區,該地區以其令人驚歎的地下城市和陶瓷藝術而聞名,由土耳其陶藝家切茲·加利普(Chez Galip)建立。

Located in the Cappadocia region, an area renowned for its stunning underground cities and ceramic art, this museum was founded by Turkish potter Chez Galip.

這個博物館成立的緣由也很神奇——當時Galip的一位女性朋友即將離開,爲了留下紀念,她剪下了一束自己的頭髮。從此以後,每一個路過他的店的聽聞這個sad story的女性都會留下一束自己的頭髮。大約38年後,這些頭髮就組成了這座神奇的博物館。目前,這個博物館已經珍藏了16000個人類頭髮的樣本,他也是《吉尼斯世界紀錄大全》承認的世界上收藏頭髮最多的人。、


It all started when he said goodbye to a friend and asked for something to remember her by. She cut off a lock of her hair. And so, every woman who heard this sad story came by his shop and offered him a lock of her hair as well. Approximately 38 years later and the museum has amassed quite the collection. Currently, this museum has collected 16000 samples of human hair.


口香糖牆?吻石狂魔?人湯泡澡?國外奇葩景點大盤點! 第7張


02“吻石狂魔” 系列


愛爾蘭布蘭尼石碑(The Blarney Stone, Ireland)

口香糖牆?吻石狂魔?人湯泡澡?國外奇葩景點大盤點! 第8張

位於科克城(Cork City)外布拉尼城堡中的布拉尼石碑(The Blarney Stone)是愛爾蘭著名的旅遊景點之一,每年會吸引超過30萬的遊客。傳說中親吻這塊石頭可以帶來好運,並被賦予The Stone of Eloquence,雄辯的口才。例如丘吉爾就曾親過,可以說是一個十分有力的role model了。不過,要親到這塊石頭可並不容易——要先爬上狹窄的石梯到達城堡頂部,再stretch further,做一個下腰——後仰60度才能與石頭近距離接觸。

口香糖牆?吻石狂魔?人湯泡澡?國外奇葩景點大盤點! 第9張



Clearly, these people have never heard the rumour that locals sneak in after-hours and urinate on the rock, just to mess with tourists. Legend has it that kissing this rock will give you the gift of the gab, but considering the number of people who lock lips with this stone every day, you’re more likely to get the gift of disease.

王爾德之墓(Oscar Wilde’s Tomb, Paris)

口香糖牆?吻石狂魔?人湯泡澡?國外奇葩景點大盤點! 第10張

王爾德曾說過,“一吻毀一生(A kiss may ruin a human life)”,然而事實上,一個接一個的吻幾乎毀了這名愛爾蘭戲劇家的墓塋。

直到2011年採取保護措施時,仰慕者留下的口紅一直在腐蝕和破壞着這座位於巴黎拉雪茲神父公墓(Père Lachaise cemetery)的紀念碑。口紅中的油脂會沉入石頭,每次清潔時,都會磨損掉更多的石頭。

Up until 2011, when measures were taken to protect the tomb, kisses in lipstick left by admirers had been eroding and destroying the memorial, which is in Paris's Père Lachaise cemetery. Grease from the lipstick had sunk into the stone and every time it was cleaned, more stone would wear away.


口香糖牆?吻石狂魔?人湯泡澡?國外奇葩景點大盤點! 第11張

瑪麗蓮夢露之墓(Marilyn Monroe’s Crypt, Los Angeles)

口香糖牆?吻石狂魔?人湯泡澡?國外奇葩景點大盤點! 第12張

除了王爾德,還有另外一位名人的墓穴也常常被親吻,即位於洛杉磯西林紀念公園(Westwood Village Memorial Park)中的夢露之墓。


Her final resting place was intended to be modest and private, but the power of her popularity continues to draw visitors more than half a century later. A steady stream of visitors and admirers continue to plant their lips on the cold, likely germ-infested, marble slabfronting her final resting place. More than 50 years of kisses have dyed the grey stone pink.

03“摸腳達人” 系列


聖彼得大教堂青銅雕塑(r's Basilica, Vaticin)

口香糖牆?吻石狂魔?人湯泡澡?國外奇葩景點大盤點! 第13張

位於聖彼得大教堂的青銅像由Arnolfo di Cambio於13世紀建成,多年來,人們排隊撫摸它的腳來進行祈福。當然,還會有些遊客不忘傳統技藝——上嘴親吻!哪怕這種不衛生的行爲可能會使他們感染皰疹。多年來經過朝聖者的各種近距離接觸,雕塑的右腳趾已經被摸到破損……

This bronze statue commands the hands and lips of those who come to visit it. Located inside St. Peter’s Basilica, this statue was made by Arnolfo di Cambio way back in the 13th century, and people make a beeline for its feet. They touch and or kiss his foot while praying for a blessing. Does that blessing come in the guise of a cold sore, by any chance? The statue’s right toes are literally worn down by centuries of pilgrims touching the foot.

約翰·哈佛雕塑(John Harvard Statue, Cambridge,Massachusetts)

口香糖牆?吻石狂魔?人湯泡澡?國外奇葩景點大盤點! 第14張

(可謂真 · 臨時抱佛腳)


據說撫摸現存於哈佛大學中的創始人約翰·哈佛(John Harvard)雕塑的左腳會讓學生們在富有挑戰性的學業中多點運氣,於是大量來自世界各地的遊客們都紛紛涌向這隻神奇的jio,祈求學霸附體。

想一想每天有多少人把手放在這個位置上好像是有點噁心。並且還有謠言稱,一些搗蛋的學生會在夜間把雕塑當洗手間用。又是這種惡趣味,OK, fine.

When you think about the number of people who put their germy hands on this spot every day, it already sounds pretty disgusting. Rumour is that a few wayward students also use the statue as atoilet at night time. Nice.

04“這些水有毒” 系列

日本神奈川箱根小涌園(Hakone Kowakien Yunessun, Japan)

口香糖牆?吻石狂魔?人湯泡澡?國外奇葩景點大盤點! 第15張



You can pick among 25 different baths,including green tea, coffee, red wine, sake and miso soup. In fact, the wine pool is so sought after that it’s only open for 12 days a year.


蒙大拿伯克利坑(Berkel Pit, Montana)

口香糖牆?吻石狂魔?人湯泡澡?國外奇葩景點大盤點! 第16張


伯克利坑(Berkeley Pit)是蒙大拿州比尤特(Butte)的一座露天銅礦,也是如今世界上唯一一個可以通過花錢觀看有毒廢料的地方。

The Berkeley Pit is a former open-pitcopper mine in Butte, Montana, and now the only places in the world where you can pay to see toxic waste.


What your two dollars entry fee will get you is a view of the pit from a platform located above it. You'll see areddish, luminous body of water heavily polluted by acids and toxic heavy metals, making it extremely contaminated. It looks intriguing, but this place is deadly.

05“皮一下很開心的小動物” 系列

威尼斯聖馬可廣場的鴿子(The Pigeon in St. Mark’s Square)

口香糖牆?吻石狂魔?人湯泡澡?國外奇葩景點大盤點! 第17張


This gorgeous piazza in Venice is known for its pigeons, which are both a nuisance and extremely unsanitary. Pigeon droppings became such a problem that the Italian authorities implemented a feeding ban in 2008 to try and protect their UNESCO city status. But despite the presence of security officials and punishments ranging from a verbal warning to a €700 fine, there are still many visitors who don’t think twice before throwing a little something snack for the birds.

口香糖牆?吻石狂魔?人湯泡澡?國外奇葩景點大盤點! 第18張



Today, the pigeons have formed colonies throughout the city, and the estimated 100,000 birds far out number Venice’s 60,000 human residents.

直布羅陀巴巴里猿猴(The Barbary Apes of Gibraltar)

口香糖牆?吻石狂魔?人湯泡澡?國外奇葩景點大盤點! 第19張


The famous monkeys who inhabit this British Overseas Territory roam the Upper Rock area of the Gibraltar Nature five troops, comprising roughly 300 macaques, are considered by many to be the top tourist attraction in Gibraltar, despite the fact they can actually be quite aggressive, according to the BBC.


They will often approach and sometimes climb onto people, as they are used to human interaction, and they have been known to fling their own waste with surprising accuracy. Monkey poo in your face is not a good look.

口香糖牆?吻石狂魔?人湯泡澡?國外奇葩景點大盤點! 第20張




