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MILAN — With Europe once again rattling global markets, many of the largest European countries are now rebelling against the German gospel of belt-tightening and demanding more radical steps to reverse their slumping fortunes.


One after another, European leaders arrived in Milan on Thursday for a summit meeting with their Asian counterparts, smiling for photographs despite gloomy financial news this week of stock markets tumbling and borrowing costs shooting up, especially in Greece, evoking memories of the euro crisis two years ago.


In past years, however, the eurozone nations buckled under to German demands to slash budget deficits and roll back public services, and then watched in dismay as unemployment rates shot into the double digits and growth collapsed. Now, France, Italy and the European Central Bank have coalesced into a bloc against Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, and they are insisting that Berlin change course.

但過去幾年中,歐元區國家屈從於德國提出的削減預算赤字,減少公共服務的要求,然後沮喪地看着失業率迅速升至兩位數,經濟出現衰退。如今,法國、意大利和歐洲央行(European Central Bank)已經形成對抗德國總理安格拉·默克爾(Angela Merkel)的聯盟,他們堅持要求柏林改變路線。


"We need to show that Europe is capable of investing in growth, and not only in rigor and austerity," said the Italian prime minister, Matteo Renzi, speaking to reporters outside the conference center after presiding over the opening of the meeting. He described the international financial situation as "very delicate" and said Europe had still not earned the confidence of international markets.

意大利總理馬泰奧·倫齊(Matteo Renzi)主持完會議開幕式後,在會議中心外對記者表示,“我們需要展示,歐洲能夠爲實現發展進行投資,而不僅僅是實施嚴格的緊縮政策。”他稱國際金融形勢“非常微妙”,並表示歐洲仍沒有贏得國際市場的信心。

"As the I.M.F. has said," he said, referring to the International Monetary Fund, "we need to focus on growth."

“就像IMF說的那樣,”他說。“我們需要關注經濟增長。”IMF指的是國際貨幣基金組織(International Monetary Fund)。

The divisions between Europe's leaders, at a moment when unity would seem critical, is one reason the markets are rattled — as well as the fact that policy makers still have not found a tool to revive growth in the face of staggering public debt.


The prospect of another European financial crisis can only bring an unwanted sense of discomfort for Washington and the rest of the world, given that China's economy is slowing, the American recovery remains fragile and the Ukrainian crisis remains unresolved. Financial investors who had seemingly forgotten about the European crises in 2008 and 2010 now again seem worried about the Continent's persistent lack of growth and the prospect of falling into a deflationary trap.


"It is the third phase of the crisis," said Fran?ois Godement, an analyst at the European Council on Foreign Relations, a research organization.

研究機構歐洲對外關係委員會(European Council on Foreign Relations)的分析師弗朗索瓦·戈德芒(Fran?ois Godement)說,“目前是危機的第三階段。”

Politically and economically, Europe's central country remains Germany and its central figure remains Ms. Merkel, backed by Jens Weidmann, the head of the German central bank and long an advocate of monetary and fiscal discipline. Germany is the eurozone's biggest economic force, but it is now stumbling — even as its role as enforcer of austerity has made it a focus of fear, loathing and blame from some other European powers.

在政治和經濟上,德國仍是歐洲的核心國家,默克爾仍是歐洲的核心人物,她得到了德國央行行長延斯·魏德曼(Jens Weidmann)的支持。魏德曼長期以來一直推崇貨幣和財政紀律。德國是歐元區最大的經濟力量,但它現在也是步履蹣跚,儘管它因爲努力推行緊縮,但已經成了其他歐洲大國恐懼、厭惡、指責的目標。

France, which has in modern times been Germany's indispensable partner in European crisis management, is now in near revolt, and President Fran?ois Hollande has joined forces with Mr. Renzi, who has presented an expansionary 2015 budget that will cut taxes despite pressure from Brussels to meet deficit targets.

在現代,對於歐洲的危機管理,法國一直是德國不可或缺的夥伴。但現在,它似乎也要開始反抗了。法國總統弗朗索瓦·奧朗德(Fran?ois Hollande)站在了倫齊一邊。儘管布魯塞爾向其施壓,要求滿足赤字目標,但倫齊仍然拿出了一份擴張性的2015年度預算案,該預算將削減稅收。

Mario Draghi, the president of the European Central Bank, has pressed Germany to temper its insistence on budgetary discipline and to spend more on public works to stimulate the eurozone economy. The French have cheered him on. German leaders have resisted, while making clear their opposition to the more powerful stimulus measures that analysts expect the European Central Bank to deploy soon.

歐洲央行行長馬里奧·德拉吉(Mario Draghi)曾敦促德國緩和它對預算紀律的堅持,增加公共工程開支,從而刺激歐元區經濟。法國對德拉吉表達了鼓勵,但德國領導人卻並不同意。分析人士預期歐洲央行很快就會部署更加有力的刺激舉措,但德國對此明確提出了反對。

Mr. Weidmann has become increasingly alienated from other members of the European Central Bank's governing council in his refusal to countenance large-scale purchases of government bonds, the kind of stimulus that the Federal Reserve used to help revive the United States economy. Mr. Weidmann speaks for a large swath of the German public, and was once a close adviser to Ms. Merkel.

因爲拒絕支持大規模購買政府債券的做法,魏德曼在歐洲央行管理委員會中日趨孤立。美聯儲(Federal Reserve)曾通過這種購買政府債券的刺激措施,來複興美國經濟。魏德曼代表了一大部分德國公衆的意見,他還曾是默克爾的親密顧問。

The stock market rout that began Wednesday reflected a culmination of factors, including growing pessimism about Japanese and Chinese growth, the Ebola epidemic and conflict in the Middle East and Ukraine. But even after European and United States stock markets calmed on Thursday, investors registered their fear of a renewed crisis in the eurozone.


Greece's long-term borrowing costs rose to nearly 9 percent, from 7 percent on Wednesday, to reach the highest level since January. In a pattern that raised uncomfortable memories of the dark days of 2010, the bond sell-off in Greece quickly spread to other nations with debt and growth problems, including Portugal, Spain, Italy, and even Ireland.


Europe has already endured years of stagnation, high unemployment and a mounting public disillusionment that has fueled a political backlash, with right-wing, Euro-skeptic parties steadily gathering strength. In France, Mr. Hollande is suffering from rock-bottom poll numbers, while the right-wing National Front has gained ground. In Italy, Mr. Renzi remains popular, but anti-austerity sentiment is strong, especially resentment over budget cuts and a lack of growth.

數年來,歐洲經濟停滯、失業率高、公衆不滿情緒日益高漲,這對歐洲政治造成了很大影響,對歐洲一體化持懷疑態度的右翼政黨,勢力則開始穩步增加。在法國,奧朗德的支持率跌至谷底,右翼政黨國民陣線(National Front)的人氣則有所提升。倫齊在意大利仍然很受歡迎,但反緊縮情緒仍然很強烈,對削減預算和增長乏力的不滿尤爲強烈。

Yet there are small signs that a European reconciliation could be possible. The finance ministers of France and Germany will meet in Berlin on Monday to try to reassure citizens that they can continue to work together. And even as Ms. Merkel said on Thursday that there could be no exceptions to European Union rules on national deficit targets, according to Reuters, she had previously hinted at some wiggle room.


During a recent speech to Parliament, she did not rule out measures to increase growth that would not conflict with her aim of achieving a balanced budget.



