
洞庭湖江豚之死:暴利採砂 竭澤而漁

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洞庭湖江豚之死:暴利採砂 竭澤而漁

Apr.14 was "the darkest day" in the history of protecting endangered Yangtze Finless Porpoises, according to Xu Yaping, president of the Finless Porpoise Protection Association in Yueyang City, central China's Hunan Province.


On that day, four porpoises were found dead, "one of which was even pregnant with a baby." From Mar.3 to Apr.15, twelve dead porpoises were discovered.


Currently, the Yangtze Finless Porpoise is a second class national-level protected animal. Figures from 2006 show there were 230 finless porpoises left in Dongting Lake. By 2007, that figure had reached 180, which sunk to 145 by January 2009 and 114 by January 2010.


By this March, scientists estimated there were only 85 finless porpoises left in the lake, 145 less than six years ago.


Xie Yongjun, associate professor of veterinary medicine in Yueyang Vocational Technical College, conducted a dissection for one of the dead porpoises retrieved from Dongting Lake on Apr.9 and found no food residue in its digestive system.


And He Daming, a local fisherman, expressed his doubts that the porpoises had died only from starvation.


On Apr.16, experts from the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences were invited to perform autopsies on two more dead porpoises. They announced the death reasons two days later: one was wounded to death by propellers, while the other suffered a sudden death due to electrofishing or other man-made causes.


Sand excavation, huge profits and alarming extinction rate


Pointing at the continuous flow of ships transporting sand, He Daming gave a look of disapproval. From Dongting Lake, most of the loaded dredges make their way to Nanjing or Shanghai by way of Wuhan.


The busy shipping activities, such as transporting sand, block the porpoise's migration channel between Dongting Lake and the Yangtze River and prevent gene exchange, said Jiang Yong, the Changsha program director of the World Wide Fund for Nature. Besides, as sand excavation destroys the lake bed, its existing hydrological condition has changed, threatening the natural supply of fish the mammals feed on.


"Even the fish cannot survive. How can finless porpoises not become extinct?" Jiang said.


According to Jiang, these sand dredges with huge power make a lot of noise, which could disturb the sonar ability of finless porpoises and increase the difficulty for them to find food.


Peng Xianglin is the boss of a local company in Yueyang. In his eyes, those who can get approval for sand excavation on Dongting Lake "are never ordinary people." "Behind a sand dredge there is a multimillionaire," he said.


According to Peng, who is also president of the Association for Wetland Conservation in Yueyang, one 1,000-horsepower sand dredge can generate yearly profits of up to 10 million yuan (US$1.57 million). Therefore, sand excavation has proven to be an important source of financial income for the local governments of Yueyang County and Miluo City, where Dongting Lake is located.


In 2005, a local company won the right of sand excavation on east Dongting Lake for five years for a price of 51.28 million yuan. The Yueyang county government requires that the number of its sand dredges should not exceed six and the total power used should not exceed 13,000 horsepower.


However, according to a report by Huang Jianwen, a CPPCC member of Yueyang County, from July 2006 to May 2010, the company actually sent 16 sand dredges every day, with the total power of 66,800 horsepower, five times higher than the contract stipulates.


Then in 2010, the Yueyang county government ended the contract with this company and launched a new bid with a minimum price of 100 million yuan.


This year, due to the multiple deaths of finless porpoises, the Yueyang Water Conservancy Bureau issued a notice on April 23 that all sand excavation activities on east Dongting Lake should be suspended for seven-day inspection. The total number of sand dredges in this area should not exceed 20. Their total power should not surpass 55,000 horsepower, with no more than 2,400 horsepower each.




