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Unfortunately, we have to take extreme precaution in today’s society. This means doing our absolute best to ensure safe travel. As if traveling to your location isn’t stressful enough, now we have to worry about remaining safe once we arrive to our hotel.


According to LISTVERSE, “some of the biggest crimes in history have happened in hotels, and hotel crime is rising.” Theft, drug mules, terrorists and human trafficking are just some of the many crimes related to hotels.


Be very careful who you trust; an individuAl with hotel security might turn out to be a threat to your safety, rather than someone who is supposed to ensure your protection. Although hotel safety is not assured, there are many things that you can do to prevent possible crime and misconduct.


1. Check-In- Avoid staying in a room on the bottom floor, it’s too easy to break into. According to Independent Traveler, “many safety experts recommend staying somewhere between the third and sixth floors -- where rooms are high enough to be difficult to break into, but not so high that they're out of the reach of most fire engine ladders.”

1. 入住。不要住在底樓的房間,因爲太容易被闖入了。據獨立旅行者網站所述,“很多安全專家都建議住在3樓到6樓——這些樓層的房間足夠高,不容易闖入,但也沒有高到沒有消防梯的程度。”

2. Leave the TV or Radio On- Leave the TV or radio on when you leave your hotel room. This will give off the impression that you are inside which should send away any unwanted guests.

2. 電視機或收音機開着。當你不在賓館時,要開着電視機或收音機。這就讓人們覺得房間有人,不速之客就會走開。

3. Lock Your Door- Lock all deadbolts, security chains and metal security locks. Regardless to how long you plan on leaving your room, never leave your door a pinch open.

3. 鎖門。將門栓、安全褡褳和金屬防盜鎖通通鎖上。不管你打算離開房間多久,永遠都不要把門開着。


4. Use Your Hotel Safe- Protect your valuables and make use of your hotel room safe. Lock up your lap top, expensive jewelry and other things you are not taking out with you.

4. 使用酒店的保險箱。保護自己的貴重物品,確保使用酒店的保險箱。將自己的手提電腦、貴重珠寶和其它不帶出門的東西都鎖在保險櫃裏。

5. Use Your Do Not Disturb Sign- Regardless to if you are in the room or out, always keep the do not disturb sign on your doorknob. This will give dangerous individuals the impression that you are in the room.

5. 在房門前掛上“請勿打擾”的牌子。不管你在不在房間裏,都要記住在門把手上掛上“請勿打擾”的牌子。這會讓可疑人員覺得你人還在房間裏。

6. Don’t Set Your Credit Card on The Check-In Counter- You are making it way too easy for a thief to glance over and steal your information. Also, always make sure that after payment, upon receiving your credit card, it is your card and not a fake one given back to you.

6. 不要把自己的信用卡放在入住登記的櫃檯上。這樣小偷就會輕易看到你的賬戶並盜走你的信息。同樣還要記得在付款之後,確認一下回到手中的是自己的信用卡,而不是僞造的信用卡。


