
VOA流行美語 Unit 296:黔驢技窮&直言不諱地指責

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LL: It's not just that I'm missing my wallet. I'm also at my wit's end at work. My boss has given me five new projects to do next week, and I haven't even finished the old ones yet.

VOA流行美語 Unit 296:黔驢技窮&直言不諱地指責

LH: 啊?老闆分配給你五個新項目,難怪你會一臉官司。我也一樣,每次週末去看我父母,他們都沒完沒了地叮囑我,該穿什麼衣服,如何待人接物,趕緊換個更好的男朋友。一天下來,I feel like I'm at my wit's end.

LL: Wait, what is that last thing that they tell you?

LH: Huh?...沒什麼重要的。告訴你個訣竅,每次我事情多得忙不過來的時候,我就會列個單子,把所有要乾的事情都寫下來。

LL: That's a good idea, but I have a better one. Since I can't find my wallet, I'll just let you pay for dinner, and we can just bring back some leftovers to feed to my neighbor's dog. OK?

LH: Hmm ... 也就是說,如果我花錢把你和鄰居家的狗餵飽,你的問題就迎刃而解了,you won't be at your wit's end anymore? 聽起來好象不太划算。不過算了,請客就請客,我都快餓瘋了。


LH: 怎麼這麼久還不上菜?我們都點了一個小時了。餓死我了。

LL: Me too. If it doesn't come soon, I'm going to find the manager and give him a piece of my mind.

LH: Give him a piece of what? 向經理投訴我支持,給他東西就不必了吧。

LL: Actually, when you give someone a piece of your mind, it means that you tell them how angry you are at them.

LH: 原來你是說,給餐館經理a piece of your mind意思就是讓他知道我們對他們的服務有多麼的不滿意。

LL: Exactly. And if after this long wait the food is really bad, I just might go back into the kitchen and give the cook a piece of my mind too.

LH: Wow, Larry, 看來你真是需要好好休息一下了。來,深呼吸,再吃塊麪包。

LL: You're right Lihua. I would love to go on vacation, but my boss just gave me a lot of work to do, remember? I'd like to give her a piece of my mind, but I don't want to get fired.

LH: 你可千萬不能跟老闆發火。萬一被炒了魷魚,You would really be at your wit's end.

LL: Well at least then I could take a vacation.

LH: 菜怎麼還不來!都是因爲你說喜歡在這家餐館的兒童菜單上畫畫,我們纔會到這兒來。幸好我現在心情還不錯,否則,I might give you a piece of my mind.

LL: Lihua, I would rather wrestle a tiger than face your anger.

LH: 你是說我比熊還兇嗎?

LL: Haha ... Look, the waiter is coming over with our food.

今天李華學了兩個常用語。一個是at my wit's end,意思是束手無策,黔驢技窮。另一個是give somebody a piece of your mind,意思是直言不諱地指責別人。



